How to upgrade to Fedora 7
Without a DVD drive

Since Fedora 7 only has a DVD iso, it presents a problem to us cheapskates who don’t want to buy a DVD burner. First, you will need to download the DVD iso file here. Be sure to select a mirror that is close to you.

Also download the boot.iso file. Its usually located in a folder like: releases/7/Fedora/i386/os/images Once this file is downloaded, burn it as an ISO file to a CD. You will need this one to boot up the PC you are going to install Fedora 7 on to.

This page will explain how to take a pc with pretty much any version of Fedora on it, and set it up so you have your own mini repository. This requires two PC’s, and a network connection. You create a boot image on a CD, boot the second PC from it, and do a network install using the ISO image that is on the first PC, which lets the installing PC connect via http, and pull the files it needs for installation. Once this is set up, you then have a nice method for installing Fedora 7 on to other computers.

The first PC needs to have some version of Fedora on it, and is set up as a webserver. For information on how to do this, see my apache page here, or issue the following command:

yum install -y apache
Once apache is set up, copy the F-7-i386-DVD.iso file into the folder that the webserver uses (usually /var/www/html ) and make sure you set permissions to 755. Also make sure you have at least 4 Gig of free space in this folder as well!

Now create a mount point to the .iso file:

mkdir /mnt/f7
mount –o loop /var/www/html/F-7-i386-DVD.iso /mnt/f7

Set up Apache to serve the F7 files:

ln -s /mnt/f7 /var/www/html/fedora
setenforce 0

The 'setenforce 0' is required because the security context of the F7 files does not permit them to be served by httpd.

Add them to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file so this feature won't be lost on server reboot.

Start http: service httpd start

Next you need to make a boot CD for the second PC (the one that you will be installing Fedora 7 on) Take the CD with the boot.iso on it, and boot the PC you want to install Fedora 7 on to with it. Just follow the prompts.

When it asks you which install method, select http install method.

When it comes to configuring networking, just let it do DHCP (if your network supports it..) You will be able to assign a static IP later if you like.

When it asks you where to get the files, enter the IP of your http server you just set up, the folder you want is fedora.

Sit back, and watch it run!